Infertility and IVF
Every belly tells a story however until you find out, you never truly know what she has gone through or is still going through just to have a baby and build a family. Photo of one of my positive ovulation cycles.
Given the gap in child spacing, I knew that there were stories left untold and found out that she had 2 miscarriages in-between the first and this pregnancy, one of which was a partial molar pregnancy which hadn’t been picked up by her Obgyn. It was only when her husband admitted her to KK Hospital for excessive blood loss did they discover it. A life nearly lost. Photo taken of my first miscarriage where I created an alter to honor a life lost and hopes diminished.

Unplanned or Unassisted?
Without words and with a quiet understanding, we always knew she was going to have an unplanned home birth as it has always been her dream. I was the one who wasn’t listening, her intent had always been clear. Photo by Keidi Lin of The Unison Photo.

‘Visualise it like a white light flowing through your body to open you up and birth your baby’, said the Obstetrician as the Pitocin was started. Photos by Keidi Lin of The Unison Photo.

Two Hands
‘God gave us two hands - one each to hold a child’, that was one client’s rationale for choosing to only have 2 children. Photos by Keidi Lin of The Unison Photo.

Four Trimesters Birth Stories
As I sunk deep into the darkness and sat with my sorrows, I found the stories of others also buried deep within me - all those moments of holding the space for women and their families, also sat the stories of tears, joy and sorrow. This is Four Trimesters Birth Stories - the kitchen table where these stories find a voice. Photos by Keidi Lin of The Unison Photo.