At Four Trimesters, we know that every woman wants a good and safe birthing experience for a positive start into motherhood. We believe every woman deserves a good birth experience so we've created a transformational antenatal program with nurtured doula support so women can believe in their ability to truly express womanhood.
Hi I’m Ginny
I know what you want most for your birth. You want the confidence to have a safe and empowered birth experience.
And that's exactly what I want for you too. I want you to be able to truly express womanhood.
As an internationally trusted birth professional, I’ve taught thousands of parents just like you how with the right knowledge and support, you can have the confidence to have a safe and empowered birth experience, even when curveballs happen during labor and birth. I can teach you, too. You deserve this. Thank you for connecting with me.
Ginny Phang-Davey
We’ve come a long way in 18 years..
We have learned a lot and had the blessing to serve and support thousands of beautiful babies and their families as they made their way earth-side. It all started eighteen years ago in a 3 room HDB in Ang mo Kio. The same Philosophy that still exists today to support you to have a safe and empowered birth.
WHY Fourtrimesters
We’ve grown
The same heart felt, mother-centric philosophy of care, evolving into our beautiful Four Trimesters Birth Sanctuary. It’s a very special place where we welcome very special people. We would love to welcome you too.
Some things we are a little proud of..
2002: First local doula in Singapore
2006: First doula in Singapore to embarked into doulaing as a full time profession with no supporting income
2006: Started waterbirths in NUH & MAH as well as homebirths with Dr Lai Fon-Min
2010: First TEDx talk on pregnancy & childbirth globally
2006 & 2010: First International DONA Doula Trainer in Asia. Started Doula Training in Singapore in 2010.
2013: Engaged by HPB as a WHO BFHI (Breastfeeding Friendly Health Initiative) National Coordinator to get the first three restructured hospitals BFBI-accredited and seen as an independent liaison working within the various hospitals.
2015: First Asian Spinning Babies Trainer and one of the first 6 in the world.
2017: Collaborated with Arrivals Pte Ltd and launched Four Trimesters Birth Sanctuary.
2019: Launched ibirthprofessionals Australia – an Australian registered company – a certifying body for birth professionals.
2019: Launched Optimal Maternal Positioning in Singapore, Australia & China to over 2000 midwives and Obgyns.
2020: The Four Trimesters Birth Sanctuary has cared for 72 low risk women and their families. With a 48% primip and 52% multip intake, we have had 0% transfers for multips and 27% transfers for primips – aligned with global statistics for primips.
Welcome to Four Trimesters - Get to know us so you see how we can support you
Four Trimesters aims to give you the best birth experience, no matter the outcome. Our team of doulas work closely together and are in communication at all times, working with our trainers, supporting you through pregnancy, labour & birth, and early postpartum. We go the extra mile to help you! Imagine for a moment the real life birth experience from one of our past and loved Four Trimesters clients. It was a birth that took 50 hours and in order to support the parents through the entire experience, 4 of our team of doulas all supported each other and the parents, successfully guiding the mother to her ultimate wish in avoiding a cesarean and having the birth she desired. We strive to be as reliable and available as possible and we always assign a secondary doula to the family to make sure the care is continuous. We have various doulas with specific expertise such as baby wearing specialists and chiropractors.
We hold a complimentary weekly Parents Circle Support Group where you can learn from our doulas and guest speakers as well as connect with other parents who are going through similar relatable experiences as you. Not too mention the connections and friendships formed in this space. We are constantly training and learning from the best in the world to improve maternity care for the women with work with. We are always available to you through our sturdy communication platforms and office support - you will never feel like you’ve been left alone.
Most importantly, choosing Four Trimesters means choosing the right support for you. You are our priority, and your choices are important to us. Our ultimate goal is to empower you to have a positive birth experience, specific to what you need and want. We help you to get rid of the noise and stress surrounding birth so your body can do what it is innately designed to do when giving birth. Our aim is to help you feel confident and calm throughout, so when your baby is finally in your arms you have no concern other than bonding with your precious little one. Our warm and caring team is ready to support you step-by-step as you journey towards motherhood.
Our Mother-centric philosophy of care..
We help parents access and understand the most current and important information regarding labor, delivery, and caring for a newborn so they can confidently make informed decisions. It’s about parents looking back on the birth of their babies, with a sense of satisfaction, feeling that they had the best birth experience for them no matter the path it takes. We promote mother-baby bonding postpartum and we encourage parents to strengthen their relationship to handle the stressors of parenthood more easily. After all, the birth of a baby also marks the birth of a mother and a father.
The doulas at Four Trimesters Birth Sanctuary nurture the continuum from conception to parenting. During pregnancy, we assist you in finding information to support the kind of birth that you want and help you work towards that experience. During labor, we support you in each and every one of your choices. Our doulas serve from the heart, supporting mothers eye-to-eye, breath-to-breath, heart-to-heart, serving and supporting mothers and their families through this magical time. During the early postpartum period, your team of doulas will be there to support your transition into parenthood.
We thrive to leave a legacy for our women, and our children, one birth at a time.
We want that for you too.