It should not be that hard to have the birth that you want.
You just need the right support and knowledge to navigate the system”
Your birth options in Singapore
Singapore has very high numbers of cesarean deliveries and the prevalent philosophy of care is one of active management, leaning towards medical interventions. Evidence based maternity care as endorsed for example by the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists suggest that expectant management is advisable, which will only intervene in the natural process if and when necessary.
When giving birth in Singapore you will have to choose an Obstetrician, as there is no midwifery care. We (highly) recommend that you choose your obstetrician by their philosophy of care and by their respect for your right to choose. Equally if you want your Pediatrician to support breastfeeding you will need to choose one, who's philosophy of care makes mother child bonding and breastfeeding a priority.
An empowering antenatal class will inform you about all steps of natural birth, the role of hormones, options for supportive birth teams and birth places. The information will cover pain management, birthing positions, benefits of water-birth, hypno-birthing skills and emergency interventions. Everything you need to make informed choices and plan the birth you desire.
All high-risk pregnancies will take place in hospitals, where you can bring your own doula and family members to support you. National University Hospital, Singapore General Hospital and KK Women’s & Children’s hospital joined the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), promoting skin-to -skin contact, breastfeeding and roaming in.
If your Obgyn considers your pregnancy low risk, you may choose to give birth in a hospital or at home. Home birth as an option can offer a safe, homely atmosphere and allow for more freedom during and after labor. Research shows that both midwifery units and homes are conducive to safe and satisfying birth experiences.
Inform yourself, trust yourself and choose a very supportive birth place.

Everything you need to have the birth you really want.
The informed choices you make will ultimately lead to a safe and empowered birth experience.
At Four Trimesters we truly appreciate the birth of your child is an extraordinary moment. Our team of doulas will empower you to have your best birth possible - easy, short and relaxed - regardless of the outcome, welcoming your baby in to the world gently, blissfully to carry these beautiful and positive memories for your whole family through a lifetime.