Mother-Centric Antenatal classes to help you have the birth that YOU want.
Everything you need to have a safe and Empowered birth experience in Singapore
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To have the birth that you want should not be that difficult. You just need the right knowledge & support to navigate the system.
But there’s a problem…….
There’s information overload
It seems like nobody is listening to YOUR wishes.
You hear all the horror stories about giving birth and it increases your FEAR
You don’t yet have your birth plan
You just want a smooth birth. It just seems so complicated?
Four Trimesters antenatal classes empower you with the knowledge and information you need, all in ONE place, with ONE desire.
For you to have a safe and Empowered birth experience in Singapore.

Everything you need to have the birth you want in Singapore.
Hey Mama,
From the moment we first find out we are pregnant, we imagine what it will be like to hold our baby in our arms, to share incredible moments, and to see them smile for the very first time.
But then we start thinking about the actual birth? Cue fear and worry, right?
I want to put your mind at ease. As an internationally trusted birth professional, and having founded Four Trimesters over 17 years ago, iv’e had the blessing of supporting thousand’s of women (and their birth partners), on how it’s possible, with the right education, knowledge and Doula support, to have a safe and empowered birth experience. I can show you too. Iv’e spent years crafting our signature Four Trimesters antenatal classes to give you the right knowledge and information to have a safe and empowered birth in Singapore.
Ginny Phang-Davey
Creating your birth plan for an empowered birth is simple
Attend Four Trimesters Antenatal Class (Online or in-person)
Four Trimesters Antenatal classes are taught by practicing Birth Doulas who are also in the know of what actually happens at the birth, be it hospital or home births as well as actively supporting women and their families postnatal. They have both the practical and experiential knowledge with years of collective experience poured in to each session. You can choose from LIVE in-person classes or an online learning journey with personalised support.
2. Learn everything you need, alongside your birth partner.
With our help, you can experience that moment in a relaxed and comfortable state - focused only on the joy of the experience. At Four Trimesters, we believe that womens’ bodies are innately designed to give birth, breastfeed and nurture. We empower you to have your best birth possible - easy, short, and relaxed - regardless of the outcome. Welcome your baby into the world gently, blissfully and remember this incredible event for a lifetime.
3. Have a safe & Empowered birth
At Four Trimesters we truly appreciate that the birth of your child is an extraordinary moment. Our team of doula’s will empower you to have your best birth possible - easy, short, and relaxed - regardless of the outcome, welcoming your baby into the world gently, blissfully to carry these beautiful and positive memories for your whole family through a lifetime.
“Wow where do I begin?
After attending Ginny’s 1st antenatal class or the open house, we knew immediately this was the place we wanted to birth and transition to parenthood. As pro-natural as I set out to be before class, Ginny was good in preparing me for otherwise, digging deep into my psyche of what it would mean if I were to have a Caesarean. (I thought I came to a pro-natural birth place )But this is nothing compared to the D-day, handheld by Ginny! Yes by the stroke of luck, I got Ginny as my birth doula for the first 6-hour of my labor. She was THERE, present totally w me. It was so shocking and disappointing for me as baby came a month and few days earlier and as a FT birthing mom, yet her towering figure gave me such confidence about myself. I must say her hands, her massages are firm, secure & spot on, to the point I dilated 1cm every hour. It was a great beginning of my labor and I love every mins of it w her. (Thank you Ginny, still bring tears in my eyes reminiscing)
Then, at the birth house, Ginny was there to receive us and help us settle into our room. She made us feel so cared for with little little details, such as arranging the cushions after each breastfeeding session, coz it sure looked like a hurricane has came through the room . Her personal touch on caring for “guests” at the birth house is world class. On her massages on my breast just to get the milk going, Ouch!! I am super grateful that she worked so hard (hmm literally) on my breasts (or else my milk won’t hv come in in day 2.5/3), coz I’ll never do that kind of massage on my own breasts. They were tough, swollen and yet tender. For my hubby, he is grateful for her and her postpartum doulas team for guiding him all the way in assisting me in breastfeeding. He felt so empowered after leaving the birth house.Thank you so very much Ginny! We r grateful for you and your teams for what you ladies are establishing in Singapore!”
- Jaqueline
SINCE 2003
SINCE 2012